Mon - Fri 10:00-6:00 980-354-1037
Mon - Fri 10:00-6:00 980-354-1037

The Fastest, Simplest System For Improving Credit

What does it take to be financially fit (i.e. have a “fit wallet”)?

Many would answer “Good Credit!” But what if yours is not good?

There was a time when improving your credit was expensive, time-consuming and frustrating.


You Can Start Improving Your Credit In Minutes!

  • Once you start using the platform:
  • You can choose the items that you want disputed
  • At the click of a button they will be sent to the credit bureaus.
  • Or, you can print them and send them yourself.
begin disputing items immediately.

Monitor Your Progress

  • You can know that your progress at a click of a button.
  • Your score at each of the 3 bureaus is available 24/7.
Freedompath lets you monitor your progress at improving your score

Protect Yourself From Identity Theft

  • Good credit makes you a target for identity thieves.
  • FreedomPath helps protect your credit record and identity.
freedompath protects you from identity theft

But there is much more!

Start Today for $199 and only $99 a month

Still Not Sure? Get a Free Consultation.

 If you would like to speak with us click below to schedule a phone appointment.

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